Sunday, November 11, 2007

RSS Feeds and News Feeds

RSS is great - you can keep up to date with news without having to search for a needle in a haystack(searching the net can sometimes feel like this!). I will just have to remember to check bloglines plus remember the correct passwords!
Having said it is great - what is not so great is having to log into bloglines to get the information. It would be good if you just receive an email possibly once a week to say when new info is available.
Libraries could take advantage of this by having links to the catalogue when new titles come into a persons saved search. You could let people know what great new services we offer or events that would be coming up.
Here is my link for my bloglines account - don't know if it will work but have a go. dragon sarah

News Feeds seem to be a bit more problematic. I haven't found them as easy to use as RSS. It may just take my brain time to get used to how they work.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Awesome, glad you got the hang of it :) There are some RSS readers that connect directly to your email (like Google Reader) so you don't have to separately login to another site.

Could you please go back one step and blog about your favourite tecnology for thing 7? :)

Hope you enjoy the next step - using the RSS search tools like for thing 9 :)